Pointe of Grace is committed to providing not only a safe place for kids and vulnerable adults, but also volunteers who are safe and reliable. All volunteers working with minors and vulnerable adults are required to do Safe Haven Training including a background check. We take kids’ safety seriously here at Pointe of Grace, and want to provide a safe place for disclosures to be taken seriously too. In person training (roll-play for what to do when a disclosure happens) will happen twice a year, background forms are listed below (please print and fill out at home and bring into the office), and online training is available via pre-recording. Both in-person role-play and the online training must be completed every two years for volunteers to stay current. All Safe Haven backgrounds and trainings are good for two years.

If you are getting Safe Haven for the first time, please fill out a Volunteer application and a Criminal History Form. Otherwise, use the renewal form. Forms can be downloaded below.

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