Our call is to care for one another, not only through joy and celebration, but especially through crisis and loss. At Pointe of Grace, care is foundational to our life together.

We care for one another through a team approach that involves pastors, volunteer pastoral partners, and lay leaders.

There are basic categories of issues which invite a pastoral care response:

Crisis Care Urgent issues such as impending death or death, accidents, suicidal ideation, domestic violence, and emergency hospitalizations requiring immediate response, please call 425-263-8730 to connect with the pastor’s number. This is not a substitute for calling 911 in life-or-death emergencies.

Pastoral Counseling Pastoral support is available via appointments with the pastor for spiritual counseling issues such as baptism and pre-marital counseling as well as spiritual direction.

Pastoral Care Partners The journey through the changes and chances of life can be a difficult and Pastoral Care Partners are available to serve people with any need, short-term, chronic or progressive.  Pastoral Care Partners have various backgrounds but are skilled listeners and are committed to this ministry of care.

Eucharistic Ministers Illness and disabilities can restrict an individual’s ability to attend worship services at which Communion is celebrated. Our Eucharistic ministers are available to visit people to serve communion and assure the homebound that they remain a vital member of the Body of Christ.


Prayer – is a powerful way to deepen one’s relationship with God, as well as a way to intercede on behalf of those we care about. We welcome your requests for prayer, on Sunday morning or through the registration forms in worship.  During the week, you may call the pastor or the office to have a concern placed on the prayer list.

Healing Ministry – All are welcome to share blessings and burdens through individual prayer with Pastor and the Prayer Team. We have prayer request cards available to be filled out at the church entryway throughout the entire week.  We believe in a God of grace and love revealed through Christ and dynamic through the Spirit who knows our pain, yearns for our wholeness, inspires our hope, and wraps us with comfort through the dialogue of prayer.

Prayer Shawls – The gift of the prayer shawl is to be able to wrap someone in prayer, to be comforted and held when in pain or sorrow, and to be safe and warm in God’s presence. They are available, along with prayer cards, in the office.